Saturday 28 October

[Tim] Today is the final day of competition and Sport Accuracy is making its final appearance at the USPA Nationals. I'll post those results as I get them, but it might be tomorrow (if they used Omniskore to judge it, it would be nearly instant). I am updating these pages from home while I await the delivery of our new refrigerator. As soon as it's in place I'll head to the DZ for some final updates and the banquet. I hope to take some pictures of the festivities and leave a few of them here tomorrow. Back soon...

[Jan] Sport accuracy is over near the wind tunnel. I am running the scores back to the main hanger to post to the website. I have to get one more photo.

The 8-way head down thing might not materialize because the freeflyers partied a LOT last night.

High Noon Here are some sport accuracy photos by me.

This is the judging staff for Sport Accuracy.

1:30 pm
The judges are strolling back from the sport accuracy now. I should be getting the final scores any minute now.

1:45 pm
There is some sort of issue about the scores. I don't have the skinney on it but it may be a bit longer before I have the scores.

2:45 pm
Still no scores.
But I did find out that there is a major fire in the way of me getting home tommorrow. I turn south off of I-10 at Banning and take 79 to Hemet. This map shows the fire across 79 and moving south.

6 pm
The judges left the premises without giving me the sport accuracy scores. Hopefully, I'll get them tonight or tommorrow. I'll at least find out who won tonight.

Tim stopped by and packed up his stuff. He went home because his kids are both sick.

There were two 8-way vRW teams that did two jumps. They got off to a very late start. They also had one team member doing a tandem jump between rounds. They finished up at 5 pm. The judges left without telling me who won. The Omniskore system was broken down to stand alone by that time.

The banquet starts at 6:30 pm. Sunday morning I'll post something about the banquet before I hit the road. The hanger is all decked out and looks fabulous.

That's it for tonight.

Jan Meyer, Chief Engineer and Webmaster
Tim Wagner, Janitor, mopping up this mess...