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Southwest Skydiving League
Meet 5
Perris, California
Results Here

Competition Draw


1 2 3 4 5 6


14 D J 21 C E 5 1 6 8 H 2 15 12 3 4 24 A P Q 7


J D 6 P 15 E 9 2 G 21 K N 1

(Note from the webmaster: With t1 deployed to Cross Keys for the America's Cup and me at Skydive Chicago judging record attempts, we've succeeded in tricking former Golden Knight Rob Work into doing the OmniWork for this meet at Perris. Take it away Robo!)

Weather in So. California is perfect! Seesm to be a good turnout of 4-way with teams and DZ tweaking final touches in preparation for Nationals. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with computers and monitors spread out in front of me. It's enough to make any day trader jealous. BUY!!  SELL!!......Oooops... POINT!!  BUST!!


NOTE - Team 202 has a "W" on round six of the results page because they did not compete as an SSL team but as a pre-nats team. The webmaster had to put a "W" there to keep them out of the SSL standings; they actually scored an 8 on the jump.

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Ted Wagner, Chief Engineer | Tim Wagner, Webmaster