2003 Valentine's Money Meet

Tidbits (Timbits + Tedbits)

Saturday 0800
Good morning one and all -- okay, it's just you over there -- it's a cloudy morning here in AZ but the forecast is good and but we hope to bring you a full show this weekend. Check back soon! - T2

We spent a few hours at the DZ where there were 13 4-way teams going on and off weather holds from persistent waves of clouds. The match everyone is keeping an eye on: Airspeed Vertical and the National champions Golden Knights.

We're not able to toss up the scores live this weekend because we're still short of laptops after Spain (don't ask). We are working on it though!  - T2

Golden Knights
Arizona Airspeed

Above: The judges in the "fishbowl."
Below: Another innovation at Skydive Arizona: No video tapes! Videographers dub straight to a PC.