2017 USPA National Skydiving Championships of Artist Events, Formation Skydiving, Speed Skydiving and Wingsuit Flying
8-Way Open - Updated 29/09/2017 01:11 GMT

Final Standings

See instructions below scores table for link definitions.
Rank ID Team Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOT AVG
1 8006 Golden Knights 22 17 16 19 21 22 19 21 28 17 202 20.20
G 8009 Fly-In Machine44 23 16 17 16 15 21 16 20 26 15 185 18.50
G 8008 Qatar 8 16 12 15 12 15 16 13 17 20 13 149 14.90
2 8004 Arizona Airspeed 17 14 11 15 15 17 14 13 18 13 147 14.70
G 8003 Amphibious Attack Tigers 18 12 13 10 13 18 14 16 15 11 140 14.00
3 8002 SDC Rhythm 8 XP 12 11 12 13 11 15 12 15 14 12 127 12.70
4 8005 XP8 13 11 10 11 12 14 12 11 14 10 118 11.80
5 8001 Spaceland Gummies 8 11 11 8 7 10 12 9 10 10 9 97 9.70
G 8007 Perris Spider Pigs 5 7 4 5 6 5 7 5 4 7 55 5.50
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