Welcome to Omnibits for Saturday, 23 September (Day 7)


It's another gorgeous day brewing outside, and inside I'm doing my best to gnarfe this Speed garthok. It will be a work in progress all day, but you should see timely results. 

Nice day yesterday, eh? Finished all the Artisticky and flaily floppy events except MFS 2-Way which resumes today alongside Speed.

Hurricane 4-Way starts soon!!!


Yes, yes, I've been busy (still) putting the finishing bugs on the Speed judging component, most recently the results HTML. I may be able to relax on that soon. 

MFS has been rolling along (I don't see how the judges can do that without copious amounts of Valium) and will wrap up in an hour or three. In case you're wondering why the Speed results show a couple of competitors a couple of rounds behind, it's because they're also competing in MFS, which of course is priority today on the schedule.


The Speed module now does log-less penalty scores, but what a pita that was. So finally the Speed scores are current. No I cannot and will not show them in mph. They are already calculated in meters/sec iaw the CR and converted to km/hr because FAI. If you want to know mph get your calculater out and multiply by 0.62. Anyone insisting on mph can always send me an email asking for a refund.


And, SPEED IS FINAL!!! :) off to dinner

ps The last 2 or 3 rounds of Speed are missing image links. I'll have that done l8r2nite.

Copyright 2017 Ted & Tim Wagner | All rights reserved.