2018 USPA National Collegiate Parachuting Championships
6-Way Speed - Updated 12/30/2018 9:00:16 PM GMT

Standings at Round 3

See instructions below scores table for link definitions.
Rank ID Team Name 1 2 3 TOT AVG
1 602 AWP Scheme Team 6 10.52 8.56 11.28 30.36 10.12
2 604 AF Mastiff 11.78 9.72 8.96 30.46 10.15
3 605 AF Foam 9.67 11.54 11.09 32.30 10.77
4 603 AF Sky Change 13.00 16.40 15.33 44.73 14.91
5 601 Why is there a rig in San Diego 17.58 17.02 30.35 64.95 21.65
6 606 We Solemnly Swear 35.00 29.51 33.28 97.79 32.60
7 607 Half & Half 35.00 35.00 35.00 105.00 35.00
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