2019 USPA National Collegiate Skydiving Championships
6-Way Speed - Updated 01/01/2020 22:44 GMT

Final Standings

See instructions below scores table for link definitions.
Rank ID Team Name 1 2 3 TOT AVG
1 601 AF Mastiff 12.47 9.92 10.47 32.86 10.95
2 608 AF Hypnotic 18.51 13.72 16.52 48.75 16.25
3 607 Crank It Down 19.28 16.61 19.40 55.29 18.43
4 602 AF Honky Tonk 13.96 12.76 32.49 59.21 19.74
5 604 AWP Cowabunga 16.30 30.24 13.56 60.10 20.03
6 603 AWP Super Floaters 22.18 30.51 14.98 67.67 22.56
7 606 31-7 28.55 21.22 20.84 70.61 23.54
8 605 Make It or Break It 35.00 23.52 35.00 93.52 31.17
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