2019 USPA National Collegiate Skydiving Championships
Sport Accuracy Intermediate - Updated 01/01/2020 22:44 GMT

Standings at Round 4

Note: The scores below are in meters.
Rank ID Team Name 1 2 3 4 TOT
1 242 Foster Frame 2.72 0.13 7.74 0.00 10.59
2 265 Abigail Crosier 1.46 1.17 9.44 1.08 13.15
3 251 Sophia Andel 7.10 5.45 0.03 0.84 13.42
4 244 William Black 8.54 0.55 4.85 4.10 18.04
5 260 Ethan Beattie 30.00 0.07 0.33 0.12 30.52
6 247 Shaina Smidt 30.00 6.40 2.04 1.41 39.85
7 248 Bethany Greene 3.84 30.00 1.39 4.86 40.09
8 249 Matthew Bender 5.92 4.16 30.00 0.85 40.93
9 250 Rachel Kinnison 3.83 0.00 8.98 30.00 42.81
10 255 Alexandra Sullivan 7.18 30.00 6.24 3.15 46.57
11 243 Zachary Hazzard 30.00 0.66 15.00 2.54 48.20
12 245 Evan Peterson 10.60 12.23 30.00 0.21 53.04
13 252 Matthew Blejwas 10.78 30.00 10.37 7.09 58.24
14 253 Lauren Modica 11.23 30.00 0.16 19.16 60.55
15 246 Rheagan Horne 30.00 0.81 30.00 0.75 61.56
16 254 Tyler Hayes 30.00 0.00 30.00 6.64 66.64
17 256 Camryn Deames 2.72 2.36 45.00 30.00 80.08
18 266 Madigan Carroll 0.45 29.14 30.00 27.00 86.59
19 261 Justin Gallo 30.00 0.00 30.00 30.00 90.00
20 241 Connor Yauss 30.00 30.00 30.00 0.07 90.07
21 259 Jackson Cole 30.00 26.89 28.73 8.27 93.89
22 257 Jacob Steiner 12.41 26.85 26.11 30.00 95.37
23 258 Rachel Reilly 30.00 30.00 30.00 7.05 97.05
24 264 Lia Young 3.50 45.00 30.00 30.00 108.50
25 262 Meghan Ryan 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 120.00
26 263 Christie Kosecki 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 120.00
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