2019 USPA National Collegiate Skydiving Championships
Sport Accuracy Masters - Updated 01/01/2020 22:44 GMT

Standings at Round 4

Note: The scores below are in meters.
Rank ID Team Name 1 2 3 4 TOT
1 282 Matthew Lovetri 0.09 0.00 0.18 3.69 3.96
2 285 Curtis Smith 1.73 1.03 9.11 0.07 11.94
3 273 John Arnold 8.60 0.00 6.49 0.00 15.09
4 272 Jarrett Damewood 11.65 2.82 3.68 3.33 21.48
5 288 Sara Hill 4.04 12.25 1.41 12.78 30.48
6 278 Logan Nelson 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.82 30.82
7 280 Connor McQueen 29.90 2.27 5.73 2.14 40.04
8 277 Zachary Daines 13.25 30.00 0.00 0.00 43.25
9 279 Ryan Holec 5.90 30.00 8.38 0.00 44.28
10 271 Aaron Moore 30.00 12.19 5.86 0.00 48.05
11 281 Nathan Courtaney 30.00 11.08 1.80 6.30 49.18
12 276 Brad Ellis 11.40 12.43 30.00 1.15 54.98
13 286 David Mottice 30.00 30.00 3.47 0.15 63.62
14 287 Rhianna Sullivan 13.16 9.87 15.73 24.95 63.71
15 283 Michal Bojsza 29.30 30.00 6.02 24.35 89.67
16 284 Dominic Haight 30.00 3.10 30.00 30.00 93.10
17 274 Megan Gould 14.60 30.00 45.00 7.68 97.28
18 275 Zacharia King 45.00 30.00 0.00 27.28 102.28
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