2023 USPA Collegiate Nationals
Collegiate Sport Accuracy Landing NOV - Updated 01/01/2024 22:40 GMT

Standings at Round 4

Note: The scores below are in meters.
Rank ID Team Name 1 2 3 4 TOT
1 151 Riccobene, Faith 5.51 2.19 19.48 0.64 27.82
2 145 Berthwick, Henry 30.00 5.21 0.00 5.97 41.18
3 104 Zippwald, Caden 2.49 4.84 7.35 30.00 44.68
4 122 Graham, Ashlyn 30.00 6.35 11.76 0.85 48.96
5 123 Olden, Simone 30.00 6.32 6.83 9.38 52.53
6 179 Parkes, Wade 5.94 5.48 14.61 30.00 56.03
7 180 Pennington, Lauren 4.87 11.45 30.00 10.79 57.11
8 149 Casler, Sophia 30.00 3.41 9.53 14.61 57.55
9 124 Ward, Erin 30.00 28.13 0.00 0.77 58.90
10 144 Stern, Storm 27.62 0.00 30.00 2.75 60.37
11 138 Clayton, Katherine 14.33 30.00 8.73 8.95 62.01
12 178 Cyprow, Wyatt 30.00 30.00 2.63 5.76 68.39
13 191 Hall, Myles 30.00 30.00 11.55 6.42 77.97
14 177 Coffey, Collette 5.65 30.00 30.00 12.50 78.15
15 121 Belger, Destin 12.67 30.00 6.84 30.00 79.51
16 193 Gourley, Joseph 10.66 9.81 30.00 30.00 80.47
17 194 Greman, Malachi 13.36 10.67 30.00 29.92 83.95
18 196 Wilson, Christopher 8.23 21.43 30.00 29.61 89.27
19 195 Schlimm, Luke 30.00 2.07 30.00 30.00 92.07
20 150 Mendiola, Aaron 30.00 3.94 30.00 30.00 93.94
21 189 Carigg, Maeve 30.00 4.45 30.00 30.00 94.45
22 152 Rose, Madeline 30.00 30.00 6.34 30.00 96.34
23 192 Saldana, Julian 30.00 6.45 30.00 30.00 96.45
24 143 Siddique, Ahmad 30.00 30.00 30.00 8.25 98.25
25 148 Mollberg, Conner 30.00 45.00 0.00 30.00 105.00
26 147 Boggs, Brody 20.86 30.00 30.00 30.00 110.86
27 142 Milner, Darion 45.00 6.54 30.00 30.00 111.54
28 102 Czajkowski, Gabriella 4.68 38.62 43.35 30.00 116.65
29 146 Boateng, Kwabla 30.00 28.67 30.00 30.00 118.67
30 120 Oluwakorede,Oyalami 30.00 30.00 30.00 29.53 119.53
31 141 Anderson, Logan 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 120.00
32 190 Clark, Ethan 30.00 45.00 30.00 30.00 135.00
33 171 Soriano, Gabriela 30.00 30.00 45.00 30.00 135.00
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