2019 USPA National Collegiate Skydiving Championships
2-Way FS Advanced - Updated 01/01/2020 13:26 GMT

Final Standings

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Rank ID Team Name 1 2 3 TB1 TOT AVG
1 358 AF Steezy 12 13 11 36 12.00
2 355 Turn the Speed Up 11 11 13 35 11.67
3 359 AF Burbin 12 9 12 33 11.00
4 352 Canopy Queens 7 11 12 30 10.00
5 357 Glittered Goats 9 6 9 24 8.00
6 351 Not That Bad 6 7 5 18 6.00
7 361 Justin's Bedmates 4 7 4 15 5.00
8 354 Northwest Pangea Top Select ROYGBIV Aristocratic Zebras 1 5 4 10 3.33
9 353 Freshly Licensed 5 4 0 9 3.00
10 356 The Lion's Den 2 5 1 8 2.67
W 360 Freefly Vice 0 0 - 0 0.00
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